Více než 100 partnerských škol v rámci programu Erasmus+, intenzivní zahraniční spolupráce skrze uměleckou činnost fakult, desítky špičkových zahraničních pedagogů hostujících na JAMU, řada studentských projektů s mezinárodní účastí, pořádání mezinárodních festivalů, soutěží, odborných sympozií a kurzů, četná zahraniční ocenění našich studentů, členství v mnoha mezinárodních organizacích a sítích. Takový je celkový obraz zahraničních aktivit JAMU, jejichž dosah výrazně přispívá k obohacování výukového procesu a které jsou významným faktorem při zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti našich absolventů.
Osoba nenalezena.Divadelní fakulta
Petra Riou
Vedoucí oddělení
54259 1305
UČO: 18643
Vedoucí oddělení
Mozartova 1 662 15 Brno
Pracoviště | Funkce |
Zahraniční oddělení | Vedoucí oddělení |
Projektová kancelář | Pomocná síla ZO - ESF |
Předmět | Kód |
Authorial Theatre | DERLX22 |
Physical Training and Pantomime | DERLX23 |
Humour workshop | DERLX25 |
Audiovisual Storytelling | DERLX21 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project - Joy of Contrast | DERLX16 |
Basics of Stage Technology | DERLX20 |
Modern and Jazz Dance II | DERLX19 |
Acting as a gesture of testimony II | DERLX18 |
Circus Skills | DERLX08 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERLX10 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERLX11 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERLX12 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERLX13 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERLX14 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERLX15 |
Ensemble singing II | DERLX04 |
Actor's Training II | DERLX05 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERLX06 |
Performance Project II | DERLX01 |
Brno Theatre Map II | DERLX02 |
Czech for Foreigners II | DERLX03 |
Masterclass Divadelní fakulty JAMU II | DAALY09 |
Předmět | Kód |
Physical Training and Pantomime | DERZX23 |
Clowning Workshop | DERZX24 |
Authorial Theatre | DERZX22 |
Basics of Stage Technology | DERZX20 |
Audiovisual Storytelling | DERZX21 |
Dance I | DERZX19 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERZX16 |
Acting as a gesture of testimony I | DERZX18 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERZX15 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERZX13 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERZX14 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERZX12 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERZX10 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERZX11 |
Circus Skills | DERZX08 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERZX06 |
Actor's Training I | DERZX05 |
Ensemble singing I | DERZX04 |
Czech for Foreigners I | DERZX03 |
Performance Project I | DERZX01 |
Brno Theatre Map I | DERZX02 |
Masterclass Divadelní fakulty JAMU I | DAAZY09 |
Předmět | Kód |
Authorial Theatre | DERLX22 |
Acting workshops | DERLX25 |
Physical Training and Pantomime | DERLX23 |
Audiovisual Storytelling | DERLX21 |
Basics of Stage Technology | DERLX20 |
Modern and Jazz Dance II | DERLX19 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERLX15 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERLX14 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERLX12 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERLX10 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERLX06 |
Circus Skills | DERLX08 |
Actor's Training II | DERLX05 |
Ensemble singing II | DERLX04 |
Czech for Foreigners II | DERLX03 |
Performance Project II | DERLX01 |
Brno Theatre Map II | DERLX02 |
Předmět | Kód |
Clowning Workshop | DERZX24 |
Physical Training and Pantomime | DERZX23 |
Audiovisual Storytelling | DERZX21 |
Authorial Theatre | DERZX22 |
Basics of Stage Technology | DERZX20 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERZX06 |
Circus Skills | DERZX08 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERZX10 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERZX11 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERZX15 |
Modern and Jazz Dance I | DERZX19 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERZX16 |
Czech for Foreigners I | DERZX03 |
Ensemble singing I | DERZX04 |
Actor's Training I | DERZX05 |
Brno Theatre Map I | DERZX02 |
Performance Project I | DERZX01 |
Předmět | Kód |
Audiovisual Storytelling | DERLX21 |
Modern and Jazz Dance II | DERLX19 |
Basics of Stage Technology | DERLX20 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERLX16 |
Voice Training | DERLX17 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERLX15 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERLX13 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERLX14 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERLX12 |
Actor's Training II | DERLX05 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERLX06 |
Ensemble singing II | DERLX07 |
Circus Skills | DERLX08 |
Individual singing | DERLX09 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERLX10 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERLX11 |
Czech for Foreigners II | DERLX03 |
Brno Theatre Map II | DERLX02 |
Performance Project II | DERLX01 |
Předmět | Kód |
Modern and Jazz Dance I | DERZX19 |
Audiovisual Storytelling | DERZX21 |
Basics of Stage Technology | DERZX20 |
Voice Training | DERZX17 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERZX16 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERZX15 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERZX14 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERZX13 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERZX12 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERZX10 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERZX11 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERZX06 |
Individual singing | DERZX07 |
Circus Skills | DERZX08 |
Actor's Training I | DERZX05 |
Brno Theatre Map I | DERZX02 |
Czech for Foreigners I | DERZX03 |
Ensemble singing I | DERZX04 |
Performance Project I | DERZX01 |
Předmět | Kód |
Voice Training | DERLX17 |
Acting as a gesture of testimony II | DERLX18 |
Modern and Jazz Dance II | DERLX19 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERLX16 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERLX13 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERLX14 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERLX15 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERLX12 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERLX10 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERLX11 |
Ensemble singing II | DERLX07 |
Circus Skills | DERLX08 |
Individual singing | DERLX09 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERLX06 |
Czech for Foreigners II | DERLX03 |
Actor's Training II | DERLX05 |
Performance Project II | DERLX01 |
Brno Theatre Map II | DERLX02 |
Předmět | Kód |
Modern and Jazz Dance I | DERZX19 |
Acting as a gesture of testimony I | DERZX18 |
Voice Training | DERZX17 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERZX16 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERZX15 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERZX14 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERZX13 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERZX12 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERZX11 |
Circus Skills | DERZX08 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERZX10 |
Individual singing | DERZX07 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERZX06 |
Actor's Training I | DERZX05 |
Ensemble singing I | DERZX04 |
Czech for Foreigners I | DERZX03 |
Brno Theatre Map I | DERZX02 |
Performance Project I | DERZX01 |
Předmět | Kód |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERLX15 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERLX16 |
Voice Training | DERLX17 |
Acting as a gesture of testimony II | DERLX18 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERLX14 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERLX13 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERLX12 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERLX10 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERLX11 |
Individual singing | DERLX09 |
Ensemble singing II | DERLX07 |
Circus Skills | DERLX08 |
Performance Project II | DERLX01 |
Brno Theatre Map II | DERLX02 |
Czech for Foreigners II | DERLX03 |
Actor's Training II | DERLX05 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERLX06 |
Předmět | Kód |
Acting as a gesture of testimony I | DERZX18 |
Dance and Movement | DERZX19 |
Voice Training | DERZX17 |
Erasmus+ Practical Project | DERZX16 |
Creative and Cultural Industry | DERZX13 |
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER - festival week - practical project | DERZX14 |
Team member of the SETKANI/ENCOUNTER (international festival of theatre schools) - practical project | DERZX15 |
Festivals - comparison and reflection - research course | DERZX12 |
Czech cultural politics and theatre infrastructure | DERZX11 |
Production at DIFA JAMU - practical project | DERZX10 |
Circus Skills | DERZX08 |
Actor's Training I | DERZX05 |
Intenzivní kurz českého jazyka | DERZX06 |
Individual singing | DERZX07 |
Ensemble singing I | DERZX04 |
Czech for Foreigners I | DERZX03 |
Brno Theatre Map I | DERZX02 |
Performance Project I | DERZX01 |
Kdy a jak mne kontaktovat
Kdy a jak mne kontaktovat
Úřední hodiny:
Na základě předchozí domluvy
Tel: + 420 542 59 1305 nebo + 420 605 221 431
Profesní vizitka
Hudební fakulta
Petra Koňárková
Vedoucí oddělení
54259 1607
UČO: 5788
Vedoucí oddělení
Komenského nám. 6 662 15 Brno
Studium |
HF M-HUDUM HUDMAN (abs.) (ukonč.)
Pracoviště | Funkce |
Studijní oddělení | Referent studijního oddělení |
Zahraniční oddělení | Vedoucí oddělení |
Předmět | Kód |
Digitální technologie pro hudební produkci | H72002l |
Předmět | Kód |
EESP_25 | HER0025 |
EESP_24 | HER0024 |
EESP_22 | HER0022 |
EESP_23 | HER0023 |
EESP_20 | HER0020 |
EESP_21 | HER0021 |
EESP_19 | HER0019 |
EESP_18 | HER0018 |
EESP_17 | HER0017 |
EESP_16 | HER0016 |
EESP_15 | HER0015 |
EESP_14 | HER0014 |
EESP_13 | HER0013 |
EESP_12 | HER0012 |
EESP_11 | HER0011 |
EESP_10 | HER0010 |
EESP_9 | HER0009 |
EESP_8 | HER0008 |
EESP_7 | HER0007 |
EESP_5 | HER0005 |
EESP_6 | HER0006 |
EESP_3 | HER0003 |
EESP_4 | HER0004 |
Interpretační seminář | HER0001 |
EESP_2 | HER0002 |